Chewing Towel Everyday | Bad Or Good For Teeth?

Are you one of the people who have unconditionally developed a habit of chewing a towel? Or someone who does not know the consequences of it.

Then in this article, you will come to know if chewing towels is a healthy habit or not.

But, before jumping to know whether chewing a towel is bad for you or not. Let’s first understand why people adopt the habit of chewing a towel in the first place.

Why do people chew towels every day?

There are many reasons why people chew towels. Some people do this because they are anxious or stressed, and others do it because they are trying to quit smoking. And some chew because they have a condition called pica, which is a compulsion to eat non-food items.

People chew towels because they are anxious or stressed

For some people, the act of chewing on something is calming and can help to reduce anxiety. And for others, the physical sensation of chewing can be satisfying and help to take their mind off whatever is causing them stress. 

For people with pica, the urge to chew on towels (or other non-food items) is intense and challenging to resist. Pica is a psychological condition, and it is often associated with other mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression.

Is chewing towels every day bad for my teeth?

Most people know that chewing on hard objects can damage teeth, but many don’t realize that chewing on towels can also be bad for teeth. While munching on a towel may not seem as harmful as chewing on ice or hard candy, over time, it can damage tooth enamel and lead to other dental problems.

When you chew on a towel, you put pressure on your teeth, which can wear down tooth enamel and may develop cavities. 

Chewing a towel is bad for you

Chewing on towels can also lead to gum recession, which is when the gum tissue pulls away from the teeth; This can make your teeth look longer and can cause sensitivity and pain.

If you feel you must chew on something, chew on sugar-free gum instead of a towel. Chewing gum can actually help to strengthen tooth enamel and promote saliva production, which can help protect your teeth from decay.

How to overcome a habit of chewing towels every day

If you find it challenging to overcome the habit of chewing towels, there are a few things you can do to try and overcome it. Here are ten tips:

  • Understand why you chew towels – There may be an underlying reason why you feel the need to chew on towels. It could be a way to cope with anxiety or stress or a habit you have developed over time. Once you understand why you chew towels, you can start to work on overcoming this addiction.
  • Talk to someone about your towel-chewing habit – It can be helpful to talk to someone about your addiction, whether a friend, family member or therapist. This can help you gain insight into why you chew towels and develop a plan to overcome the habit.
  • Set goals to help you overcome your towel-chewing habit – Having specific goals can help you stay on track as you work to overcome your addiction. Your goals should be realistic and achievable, and they should be specific to your situation.
  • Find other ways to cope with stress or anxiety – If you chew towels to cope with stress or anxiety, finding other healthy coping mechanisms is essential; This could involve exercise, relaxation techniques, or journaling.
  • Avoid trigger situations – If certain situations trigger your urge to chew on towels, try to avoid them if possible. If you can’t avoid the trigger situation, have a plan in place to help you resist the urge to chew.
  • Keep your hands busy – If you often chew on towels when your hands are idle, try to keep them occupied; This could involve doing crafts, playing an instrument, or even fidgeting with a stress ball.
  • Distract yourself from the urge to chew – If you feel the urge to chew on a towel, try to distract yourself with something else; This could involve reading, watching a movie, or talking to a friend.
  • Chew on something else – If you need to chew on something, try munching on sugarless gum or something healthy; This can help satisfy the urge to chew.
  • Practice mindful eating – If you often chew on towels while eating, try to be more aware of your eating habits; This means paying attention to the taste, texture, and smell of your food. It can also help to eat slowly and savor each bite.
  • Seek professional help – If you have tried and have not been successful in overcoming, it may be time to seek professional help, which could involve meeting with a therapist or counselor who can help you develop a treatment plan.


Chewing on towels is not a recommended practice for protecting teeth. While it may seem harmless to keep teeth clean, chewing on towels can damage tooth enamel and lead to other oral health problems.

Additionally, the bacteria often present on towels can also cause gum disease. So, while it may not seem like a big deal, chewing on towels every day is actually bad for your teeth.

And if you are struggling to get over the habit of chewing a towel, follow the ten tips we discussed above. And in the worst case, if you still can not figure out how to overcome it, consult a doctor and take their advice.

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